Today is my Angel Babies, Scooter and Skeeter's, 15th Purrday, at the Rainbow Bridge. We are sure they have some crazy bash planned and we know we will see signs of them throughout the day. Thanx for stopping by...
Girls, you are SO missed and mom says good morning and good night to you everyday. Happy Birthday~!!!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Happy 2nd Gotcha Day, Cricket~!!!
This is Cricket and Wren after coming to her new home. She was maybe here about 15 minuts when I took this picture. No, she doesn't look like she belongs here. MOL

And, here she in recently...she has brought so much joy to our home and her and Wren are the bestest of friends. We are having a little get together and hope you can stop buy. We will be having, cereal milk, ham, shrimps, and of course, ice cream cake~!!!
Cricket says thank you to all of you who were able to stop by today...
Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Hallowscream
HAPPY HALLOWSCREAM~!!! We gots about 14" of snow on Saturday, so Dad and little sisbean, Wren, made a Halloween snowman~!!! Hoping you get more treats than tricks...
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Whew...has mom been busy~!!!
Hiya Effurybody~!!! Sure has been lots going on around here...Mom is CRAZY BUSY at work and making, what she calls, mad money~!!! As long as the greens keep filling her pockets, we don't care (we've been getting an over abundance of treats and Lucky, his chewies). Also, our little sisbean is starting...KINDERGARTEN on Wednesday. So, mom has been busy with getting her ready for that. But mom made a promise to us that as soon as the kid starts school, we will be back to a TRUE reugular blogging session each day~!!! We surely miss you all and apologize for not being around. Hoping you all have a fantastic holiday weekend and we will see y'all soon.
PS...Thanx Sammy, Andy, and Shelly's mom, Judi, for the super pawesome layout look for our page. We LOVE it~!!!
PS...Thanx Sammy, Andy, and Shelly's mom, Judi, for the super pawesome layout look for our page. We LOVE it~!!!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Farewell Sweet Misses Peach
Our dear, sweet furriend, Misses Peach is going to be the newest star in the sky. We are so sad to have learned of this news. She was such an inspirational ladycat whose blog would always put a smile on your face. She is going to be sadly missed by us all. Mom was leaky eyed for her and put a lit candle outside to give her light for her journey. She will be reunited with her beloved mancat, Mickey. Misses Peach...we will truly miss you and send our deepest sympathies to your family. We wish your a quick journey and we shall meet again....
Fly Free Forever~
Fly Free Forever~
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Mom's New Business
So, mom has started a new venture (aside from the new job). She has attached her websites and to ANYONE who is interested, but inquire and mom will fill you in some more. It's absolutely awesome, ESPECIALLY if you like being "GREEN"...
She is hoping to hear from you and please do not hesitate to ask any questions~!!!
She is hoping to hear from you and please do not hesitate to ask any questions~!!!
Monday, July 25, 2011
Monday With Mom
We are so sorry we haven't been around lately. Mom, FINALLY, got a job. AND...she's starting her own business too~!!! Her job, is waitressing at a restaurant called Gresham's Chop House, and she loves it. She just started last Tuesday and by the end of the week, she will post about her new business. It's Super awesome and can't wait for all of you to see what she's gonna be doing. We hope you've all been wel and will get back to our regular blogging...ASAP~!!!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Thursday Garden Pics
This is mom's vegetable garden. It's so out of control. She never realized just how B~I~G zucchini plants get.
This is a picture of one of the zucchinis. It's still small, but will get bigger. She so far has 5 that are growing, with more to come.
This is a teenie baby cucumber. She has a lot of these suckers sprouting up all over.
Here's a green bean. Not many in pictures, as out little sisbean keeps picking them and eating them!
And, here's our sisbean's sunflower! She was thrilled to have it (she has a total of 5). She didn't plant them, the birds did!!!
This is a picture of one of the zucchinis. It's still small, but will get bigger. She so far has 5 that are growing, with more to come.
This is a teenie baby cucumber. She has a lot of these suckers sprouting up all over.
Here's a green bean. Not many in pictures, as out little sisbean keeps picking them and eating them!
And, here's our sisbean's sunflower! She was thrilled to have it (she has a total of 5). She didn't plant them, the birds did!!!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Friday, July 8, 2011
Andy Remembers His Sweet Skeeter
Monday, July 4, 2011
Happy 4th of July
Friday, July 1, 2011
Friday Friends
Mom is VERY scared of spiders, but this little guy she said was kinda cute. Here, he's just hangin' out on our deck railing.
He was infatuated with Dad's cellphone so mom caught him peeking from the back of it. Now...he CANNOT get mad if you call him "Four Eyes"...MOL~!!!
He was infatuated with Dad's cellphone so mom caught him peeking from the back of it. Now...he CANNOT get mad if you call him "Four Eyes"...MOL~!!!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Washed Up Wednesday
Ok...Mom and Dad are both...FIRED~!!! The pulled this HEINOUS act on us yesterday and to top it off...TOOK PICTURES~!!!
I, Cricket, was a bit vocal in the beginning, but then got somewhat calm after. I lked the drying off part the best!
I, King, being the big, mighty mancat that I am, gave mom and dad a hard time. I am SO strong and they had a heck of a time trying to keep me in the sink!
And I, Pandora, who's the Alpha of us all, sang LOUDLY at the top of my lungs, the WHOLE time.
We ALL really hope that this did the trick, because we sure don't wanna have to endure THAT again~!!!
I, Cricket, was a bit vocal in the beginning, but then got somewhat calm after. I lked the drying off part the best!
I, King, being the big, mighty mancat that I am, gave mom and dad a hard time. I am SO strong and they had a heck of a time trying to keep me in the sink!
And I, Pandora, who's the Alpha of us all, sang LOUDLY at the top of my lungs, the WHOLE time.
We ALL really hope that this did the trick, because we sure don't wanna have to endure THAT again~!!!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Today is going to be renamed...HateDay
Well, there is a B~I~G surprise in store for King, Pandora, and Cricket~!!! They are ALL getting...
Mom was scritchin' Cricket's chin yesterday and noticed flea "dirt" in her long hairs. Mom and Dad are SOOOOO skeeved out, theat they immediately ran to the store and got the stuff (Oh yeah...Lucky too). After the hasta wash ALL the bedding and vacuum the whole house really good. We may be spending a portion of tomorrow, outside, in our PTUs, as mom is most likely gonna "bomb" the house. We didin't mean to get fleas and we don't even know how we gots them! We're not allowed out~!!!
We're Sorry Mom and Dad~!!!
Mom was scritchin' Cricket's chin yesterday and noticed flea "dirt" in her long hairs. Mom and Dad are SOOOOO skeeved out, theat they immediately ran to the store and got the stuff (Oh yeah...Lucky too). After the hasta wash ALL the bedding and vacuum the whole house really good. We may be spending a portion of tomorrow, outside, in our PTUs, as mom is most likely gonna "bomb" the house. We didin't mean to get fleas and we don't even know how we gots them! We're not allowed out~!!!
We're Sorry Mom and Dad~!!!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Mom's Monday
Mom was SO super excited that Season 4 of True Blood started last night, that she made her and dad a cocktail for the show!
Here's is mom just being, well, MOM~!!~
Here's is mom just being, well, MOM~!!~
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Caturday Saturday
King here and want to let you know that THIS is on my agenda for the day~!!! Hope you all have a Happy Caturday~!!!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Furry FURiday with Lucky~!!!
This is our woofie brofur, Lucky. Mom spotted him on our very dear furriend, Brian's FaceBook page. Mom just fell in love with his cute face. She was anticipating dad to get home to ask if she could adopt him. She almost hit the floor when he said yes. This is the actual picture that Brian had on his page.
This is Lucky enjoying his new furever home in the Pocono Mountains. He is such a good boy. How can you not fall in love with this face??? Well, we could care less whether or not he's here, but he makes the 'beans happy, so whatever.
Well, it had to be done...Mom took Lucky to Pet Smart one day and they STOLE HIS FURS~!!! We think he looks silly, but mom says he can get very sick from heatstroke. This is him and Wren down in North Carolina.
So, once again, a B~I~G shout out to Brian~!!! Thanx Buddy!!!
This is Lucky enjoying his new furever home in the Pocono Mountains. He is such a good boy. How can you not fall in love with this face??? Well, we could care less whether or not he's here, but he makes the 'beans happy, so whatever.
Well, it had to be done...Mom took Lucky to Pet Smart one day and they STOLE HIS FURS~!!! We think he looks silly, but mom says he can get very sick from heatstroke. This is him and Wren down in North Carolina.
So, once again, a B~I~G shout out to Brian~!!! Thanx Buddy!!!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Thursday in our Garden
This is Mom's garden. She's growing Zucchinis, Peppers (which are 5 different colors; green, red, yellow, orange, and purple), Green Beans, Carrots, and Cucumbers. She also has a Pumpkin Plant AND Tomato Plants on the other side of the house. No pics of that, yet.
This little fella, that mom named Gregorio (she names EVERYTHING) was sunning himself in our garden. We would've LOVED to have "met" him.
Here's a close-up of his face. We think he's pretty tasty looking, umm, we mean, cute.
This is a Mini-Rose bush that one of mom's friends gave her Memorial Weekend of 2010. She planted it and was SOOO happy when it started to bloom this year.
Well thanx for stopping by to smel the roses and we hope you al have a great day!!!
PS...We want to thank Sammy, Andy, & Shelly's Mommy for helping with our blog. She made us this beautiful header. THANX JUDI~!!!
This little fella, that mom named Gregorio (she names EVERYTHING) was sunning himself in our garden. We would've LOVED to have "met" him.
Here's a close-up of his face. We think he's pretty tasty looking, umm, we mean, cute.
This is a Mini-Rose bush that one of mom's friends gave her Memorial Weekend of 2010. She planted it and was SOOO happy when it started to bloom this year.
Well thanx for stopping by to smel the roses and we hope you al have a great day!!!
PS...We want to thank Sammy, Andy, & Shelly's Mommy for helping with our blog. She made us this beautiful header. THANX JUDI~!!!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Wordy Wednesday
OK...Now we are having problems uploading pictures~!!! What the heck is going on with Google/Blogger??? Really is beginning to make us and mom angry. We had a great pic for Wordless Wednesday, but it's not allowing us to post it. It uploads, but doesn't come onto our blog. Anyone else having these types of problems???
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Cricket's Toesday
Cricket here checking in to make sure you've all been ok. And I wanted to give you all a little peek at my cute toesies~!!! ya go...
Monday, June 20, 2011
Christmas in July
Mom signed us up to do Christmas in July (we think) She just can't remember who is hosting it. Any help would be appreciated~!!! Thanx a bunch!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
We got booted off Google
Hi Everyone~!!! We have NOOOOO idea what happened to mom's Google account (Blogger, Gmail, and Picassa) it just disappeared! Mom is very sad by this and we had to start ALL over again. She's mainly sad that she lost all of the wonderful posts about our angel sisfurs, Scooter and Skeeter. Well, we're back (here) and pleaase know that we have missed you all IMMENSELY~!!!
We love you all~
King, Pandora, Cricket, and Lucky
We love you all~
King, Pandora, Cricket, and Lucky
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