Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Cricket's Toesday

Cricket here checking in to make sure you've all been ok.  And I wanted to give you all a little peek at my cute toesies~!!!  So...here ya go...


  1. Your toes are as cute as ever, Cricket! We have missed them!

  2. Cricket, you are the cutest thing going!!!!

  3. We've never seen your toesies before Cricket - they are furry, furry cute.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  4. Such pretty toesies Cricket! We've been missing you too and sure am glad to find you again!

  5. We couldn't leave a comment earlier, but are trying again.....we send you an email.....xxxxxxxxx

  6. Well, our email bounced back to us....:( We guess you have changed your email addy also.......sigh

  7. Cricket you are cute from the tip of your ears to the very end of your toes...
    Hugs Madi

  8. Such pretty toesies, Cricket! We are sorry to hear about your old blog being wiped out; that is just terrible. We were definitely wondering what happened to you guy, and are so glad you are back. We missed you lots!

  9. We just resent our email to your gmail account.....let us know if you got it.


  10. Those toesies are super cute!!

    The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

  11. We lost our blog too but got it back after petitioning google for two weeks - if you want to know how we did it just email or leave a comment!

    Cats of Wildcat Woods

  12. Now, why would Google delete your blog??? I need to back up Sweet Praline's blog so I don't lose it.

    Just dropping in to say hello.

    Mom Paula

  13. Oh, I'm sad your old bloggie got deleted but I'm glad I found you here!

  14. Cricket those are very cute floofy toesies. My Tortie colors are like yours. Purrs Willow.

  15. Cricket
    Blogger/Gmail has made some errors in deleting accts you should go into the Gmail Forum and make a report to get your acct reinstated.

    WE are so sorry your acct was deleted.


  16. Well hi there, Cricket! It's nice to see you and your toesies. We've missed you all!

  17. Those are cute little toesies Cricket. That is awful that your account got deleted. It's like losing a precious diary of life. Google wanted to delete us several years ago because they said we were a spam blog, but it was their mistake and they had wrongly identified a lot of blogs back then. Abby is right, you need to report it and try to get your blog back.


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